Dhaval Academy is a complete schooling CBSE

Time Table

  • DJSC
  • Time Table
Day School
No. Timing Minutes Function
1 8.00 - 8.20 20mins General Assembly (Nur to Hkg & 1st to 11th)
2 8.20 - 8.55 35mins 1st lecture
3 8.55 - 9.30 35mins 2nd lecture
4 9.30 - 10.05 35mins 3rd lecture
5 10.05 - 10.30 25mins Breakfast
6 10.30 - 11.05 35mins 4th lecture
7 11.05 - 11.40 35mins 5th lecture
8 11.40 - 12.20 40mins 6th lecture
9 12.20 - 01.00 40mins 7th lecture
10 01.00 - 01.50 50mins Lunch -2nd to 11th
11 01.50 - 02.20 30mins C.W. - 2nd to 11th
12 02.20 - 2.50 30mins C.W. - 2nd to 11th
13 02.50 - 03.30 40mins 8th lecture
Regular School
No. Timing Minutes Function
1 8.00 - 8.20 20mins General Assembly (Nur to Hkg & 1st to 11th)
2 8.20 - 8.55 35mins 1st lecture
3 8.55 - 9.30 35mins 2nd lecture
4 9.30 - 10.05 35mins 3rd lecture
5 10.05 - 10.30 25mins Breakfast
6 10.30 - 11.05 35mins 4th lecture
7 11.05 - 11.40 35mins 5th lecture
8 11.40 - 12.20 40mins 6th lecture
9 12.20 - 01.00 40mins 7th lecture